Keonepoko Elementary School

Keonepoko School Library

Picture of caterpillar and moon with colorful circles in background.



Ebooks! What a great tool! You never have to return them.  They return themselves. Like magic, they disappear in two weeks and you can borrow multiple copies at a time. You can also place a hold on an ebook that is not available yet.

Our library has an ebook subscription. Your child can borrow ebooks using their Hawaii Department of Education 10-digit student ID#.

If you have a Hawaii Public Library Card, you and/or your child can also have access to the Hawaii State Public Library Ebooks as well. More yummy books!!!!

How exciting! No damaged books. No fees. No late returns. More than just books available online.

If you don't have a Hawaii Public Library card, you can get an application from me at Keonepoko School Library or any of our public libraries and return it directly to them. If you had a library card and lost it, there is a small fee for them to replace it.   You can click on cards for instructions on downloading a library application or get other info about library cards. 

How to borrow ebooks online using our Hawaii Department of Education Keonepoko Elementary Subscription:

1.  Go to or click on Keonepoko Ebooks

2.  Enter your child's 10-digit number

3.  Start searching and borrowing your way to fun, adventure and new information!


There are some other great ways to read online.  There are APPS or sites to use in your browser. 

1.  Sora App   Go to or click on Sora App This is a kid friendly version for borrowing ebooks. (You sign in with your student id/teacher id to our school Keonepoko Elementary)


How to borrow ebooks online using your Hawaii State Public Library Card:

1.  Go to or click on Public Library Ebooks

2.  Enter your "Hawaii State Library Card Number" and your 4-digit pin.  Your pin is usually the last four digits of your home phone number unless you changed it.

3.  Start searching a borrowing your way to fun, adventure and new information!

ADMIN., Teachers, and Staff use the same instructions above with your DOE ID# for our Keonepoko Subscription.

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